The last two nights in my house have been HELL. Monday night Katie fell asleep at 7pm. Out cold. I tried waking her up, and she would not move. I was hoping that she would sleep all night, because the week before she did not sleep very much at her mom's house. I stayed up too late because quite frankly it is the only time that I have to myself. I can watch what I want to watch on TV. I can be on Facebook or blogging and no one gives me a hard time about it. But at 11:30 I got into bed, and you guessed it 12:01 Katie was wide awake. And being very noisy.
I turned on the tv for her and got her all situated. Got back into bed at 12:30. Jim was snoring so f-ing loud! So I got up as loudly as I could, threw back the covers, and stomped out of the room(hoping this would all wake him up, wrong) to go sleep on the couch.
I finally fell asleep at about 2:30 or so, when the TV shut off and Katie started laughing hysterically. It is already frustrating enough when the kids don't sleep at night, but to have to hear Jim snoring and sleeping away while I am up really pisses me off!! So I went in and SLAMMED the bedroom door so I couldn't hear him anymore.:)
Then last night Reese decided at 10:30(once again right when I had climbed into bed) to wake up. Luckily Jim was still up during this time so he dealt with her. But I could still hear them, so I wasn't really sleeping. She stayed up until 1:30AM!!! I have NO idea what the problem was. NOT HAPPY.
Jim gets into bed at 2:00 and guess who is wide awake at 2:30....that's right, KATIE!! Grrrrrr.
Have you seen the children's book "Go the fuck to sleep"? If not, google it. There is a youtube video where the book is narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, and it is amazing. Last night I actually begged(under my breath of course:) for Reese to please please go the f**k to sleep.
I am really hoping tonight is a different story. Or else I might lose my mind.
Will I ever be able to get a good nights sleep again?!?
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